Omni OpenMP Compiler Installation using "jexc"

Jexc is a java-byte code to C translator for Exc java toolkit. The Omni OpenMP transformation pass is written in Java using Exc java toolkit. With default configuration, the compiler uses a java VM. Since version 1.3, the pre-compiled java-byte code files of this pass are included in the release kit. You can compile these files using "jexc" into executable binary versions of backends.

It is useful in the following cases:

To install with "jexc", use "--without-jvm" option for "configure".

 % configure --prefix=  your_install_directory  --without-jvm
 % make 
 % make install
The pre-compiled java-byte code files are located in "util/etjClass.tar". The class files in this file is compiled by "jexc" to make the binary executable version of backends, "C-back" and "F-back".

If you have a java VM and modified some part of exc-tools-java files in exc-toolkit, use "--enable-jexcBinary" option for "configure".

 % configure --prefix=  your_install_directory  --enable-jexcBinary
 % make 
 % make install

When use "--enable-jexcBinary" option or "without-jvm", the binary version of the backends "C-back" and "F-back" are installed. You don't need a java VM any more.

Note that no SCASH implementation is supported by "jexc" installation. Omni profile viewer "tlogview" is not installed.