*IXPUG Workshop HPC Asia 2021 [#jbb14419]
''January 22nd, 2021'' &br;
''Jeju Island, South Korea (and hybrid operation with on-line tools)'' &br;
''in Conjunction with [[HPC Asia 2021:https://www.ksc.re.kr/hpcasia2021]]'' &br;
''(International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region))''

** OVERVIEW [#l7303256]
The official web page of IXPUG Workshop HPC Asia 2021 is moved to the following URL. Please visit it.

IXPUG Workshop HPC Asia 2021 is an open workshop on high performance computing application, system and architecture/hardware on Intel technologies. [[IXPUG:https://ixpug.org]] (Intel eXtreme Performance Users Group) is an open user community to share knowledge and experience on Intel technologies.

IXPUG Workshop HPC Asia is an annual workshop in Asian region, as a part of International Conference series of HPC Asia. In 2021, it is held in Jeju Island, South Korea. However, under COVID-19 situation, the conference and workshop will be held in Hybrid-style where the in-person meeting and on-line attendance are combined.

IXPUG Workshop is a half day workshop with contributed papers and keynote and invited talks. Any research aspect related to Intel technologies is welcome to present to share these advanced technologies for high performance computing.

** DATE and PLACE [#pb41c731]
- January 22nd (Fri) afternoon (Day-3 of HPC Asia 2021)
- RAMADA Plaza Jeju, Jeju Island, South Korea

** TOPICS [#o0b4fa9d]
Any topics on Intel products including the following topics, but not limited:
-  Application porting and performance optimization
-  System software and middleware
-  Hardware related issues including CPU (multi-core and many-core), interconnection, persistent memory, etc.

Submitted papers must be original work that has not appeared in and is not under consideration for another conference or a journal.

** PAPER FORMAT [#rc9de926]
Authors are invited to submit technical papers of at most 10 pages (full paper) or 4 pages (short paper)  in PDF format including figures and references. Papers should be formatted in the ACM Proceedings Style.


** IMPORTANT DATE (&color(red){URGENT!};) [#vd65b1ba]
- Submission Deadline: &color(red){October 30th 2020};
- Notification of acceptance: &color(red){November 20th 2020};
- Camera-Ready Deadline: &color(red){November 30th 2020};
- Workshop: &color(red){January 22nd 2021};

** SUBMISSION SITE [#oc464d5a]

** CONTACT [#c4dc3b59]
All questions for workshop paper submission and organization should be sent by e-mail to 
''ixpug-hpcasia2021 [at] ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp''.


- Workshop Organizing Co-Chairs
-- Taisuke Boku (University of Tsukuba)
-- Toshihiro Hanawa (the University of Tokyo)

- Workshop Program Committee
-- Thomas Steinke (Zuse Institute Berlin)
-- R. Glenn Brook (University of Tennessee Knoxville)
-- Richard Gerber (NESC/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
-- Clay Hughes (Sandia National Laboratory)
-- David Keyes (King Abdullah University of Science & Technology)
-- Nalini Kumar (Intel Corporation)
-- James Lin (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
-- David Martin (Argonne National Laboratory)
-- Alberto Di Meglio (CERN openlab)
-- Vladimir Mironov (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
-- Sergi Siso (UK Science & Technology Facilities Council)

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