Conferences in Year 2022†
- HPC Asia 2022 (2022/01/12-01/14, Kobe, Japan)
- R-CCS International Symposium:https (2022/02/07-02/08, Kobe (virtual), Japan)
- SIAM-PP 2022 (2022/02/23-02/26, Seattle, USA)
- SIAM-PP22-MS70 Targeting Future Exascale and Extreme Heterogeneity Era - Part I of II (2022/02/26, virtual)
- 富岳成果創出加速課題研究交流会 (2022/03/14-03/15, virtual)
- 中島浩先生追悼シンポジウム (2022/03/28, virtual)
- 富岳成果創出加速課題シンポジウム (2022/03/29, virtual)
- PPoPP2022 (2022/04/02-04/06, Virtual (Seoul, South Korea))
- ExHET2022 (2022/04/02-04/05, conjuncted with PPoPP2022, Seoul, South Korea)
- PCCC-OSSワークショップ・PCクラスタプログラミング最前線 (2022/04/15, virtual)
- VLSI-DAT2022 (2022/04/18-04/22, Hsinchu, Taiwan)
- CoolChips'25 (2022/04/20-04/22, virtual)
- 第184回HPC研究会 (2022/05/11, virtual)
- CCGrid2022 (2022/05/16-05/19, Taormina, Italy)
- EMC2 (2022/05/17-05/20, Warsaw, Poland)
- PCCC-OSSワークショップ・FPGA for Cluster (2022/05/25, virtual)
- JCAHPCセミナーOFP終了シンポジウム (2022/05/27, オンライン+東大柏)
- ISC2022 (2022/05/29-06/02, Hamburg, Germany)
- ExaComm2022 (2022/06/02, with ISC2022, Hamburg Germany)
- H3 Workshop (2022/06/02, Hamburg, Germany)
- IPDPS2022 (2022/05/30-06/03, Lyon, France)
- PDSEC2022 (2022/05/30, conjuncted with IPDPS2022, Lyon, France)
- HEART2022 (2022/06/09-06/10, Tsukuba, Japan)
- PCクラスタワークショップ (2022/06/23-06/24, 神戸)
- JHPCNシンポジウム2022 (2022/07/07-07/08, 品川)
- SWoPP2022 (2022/07/27-07/29, 下関)
- EuroPar2022 (2022/08/22-08/26, Glasgow, UK)
- MUG2022 (2022/08/22-08/24, Columbus, USA)
- HeteroPar2022 (2022/08/22-08/23, with EuroPar, Glasgow, UK)
- ICPP22 (2022/08/29-09/01, Bordaux, France)
- DUAC2022 (202208/29, with ICPP2022, Bordeaux, France)
- Cluster2022 (2022/09/06-09/09, Heidelberg, Germany)
- IWOMP22 (2022/09/27-09/30, Chattanooga, USA)
- CCSSymposium2022 (2022/10/13-10/14, Tsukuba)
- WSSP34 (2022/10/24-10/25, On-line)
- SC22 (2022/11/13-11/18, Dallas, USA)
- RSDHA2022 (2022/11/14, Workshop in SC22, D221)
- PAW-ATM (2022/11/14, Workshop in SC22, C147)
- 187回HPC研究会 (2022/12/01-12/02, 沖縄)
- PCクラスタシンポジウム22 (2022/12/05-12/06, 秋葉原)
- FPT2022 (2022/12/05-12/09, Hong Kong)
- PDCAT2022 (2022/12/07-12/09, Sendai)
- EPCC-CCS Workshop (2022/12/15-12/15, Edinburgh, UK)
Last-modified: 2022-12-14 (水) 20:42:17